Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Parent & Artist Memo


To: A-ha artists and families
From: Mrs. Van Grinsven
Re: New season 2010-2011

Greetings to all!

I am so excited to be working with all of you/r young artists! It will be such a super year and I cannot wait to start! 
I want to thank the newest group of teaching assistants that allowed us to grow our class size- Mrs. Barnharst, Mrs. Swezey, Mrs. Waack and Mrs. Zuberbier.  It is a great gift for me to work with these ladies, as your children will certainly tell you! We are very blessed!

Some important notes:

·       On September 13th, T-shirts will only be handed out to those students who have paid their art fee in full.  Email me if you have any questions.  Mrs. Waack is collecting the money in the office.

·       Change: Our field trip will be Wednesday, May 18th to the Racine Art Museum.  The students will be missing the day from their SJL classroom.  We will be doing a workshop in Racine as well as touring the galleries with a lunch stop in between.  More info will come as the date gets closer.

·       Athletics sometimes collide with our schedule- we are fine with this and our teachers are great at smoothing over the transitions that take place-no problem!

·       Feel free to email or text or call with any questions or concerns-our classes are “parent friendly” so feel free to come in anytime and see us!  Contact me @ bethannvan@juno.com/414-807-8267

·       If your child would want to… bringing an after-school group snack is perfectly fine-anything goes! Just label it A-HA and leave it in the MPR room by the sinks. Our bulletin board is by the MPR doors-sign up in advance if you want.

·       Our new schedule should be online now-click after-hours art on the left side of the school website.

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